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Prefer the use of $ReadOnlyArray instead of Array JS-0487

Type check

It is recommended to use $ReadOnlyArray instead of an Array or the array shorthand notation. $ReadOnlyArray is an immutable array collection type and the superclass of array and tuple types in Flow.

General reasons for using immutable data structures:

  • They are simpler to construct, test, and use.
  • They help avoid temporal coupling: Temporal coupling is when members of a class depend on a particular order of getting called. That is, a method should be called after another. For example, We have a class Calculator with two properties a, and b along with two methods, i.e., add() returns addition of a and b and setInputs(a,b) set the values of a and b. The class constructor does not require to pass the two numbers as arguments, and then we have to call the setInputs first before calling the add otherwise, it would throw an error as inputs are empty. Here setInputs() and add() are coupled together with temporal coupling and have to be invoked in this exact order to avoid runtime errors.
  • Their usage is side-effect free - no defensive copies: Defensive copying is a technique that creates a negative side effect caused by the modification of shared objects (arrays). Instead of sharing the original object, we share a copy of it, and thus any change made to the copy will not affect the original object.
  • Identity mutability problem is avoided: When we declare an object with some keys and values, we use this same object to derive some other data example, using the key-value pair to create a Set or some other complex data structures. If we change the key or value of the underlining object, it may cause an error or create difficulty resolving the derived data's values. So this is avoided using immutable objects. They always have failure atomicity. There are possibilities that some data inside the object/array while changing or adding later can lead to some error (runtime mostly), leading to a broken state. So immutability prevents this as the data can't be mutated or changed.
  • Caching is easier

Note : Initialization of a variable with an empty array is considered valid (e.g., const values: Array<string> = [];). This behavior resembles the behavior of Flow's unsealed objects, as it is assumed that an empty array is intended to be mutated.

Bad Practice

type X = Array<string> // sometimes empty arrays are preffered over null example some library methods might need Array type alone

type X = string[]

const values: Array<Array<string>> = [];

let values: Array<Array<string>>;


type X = $ReadOnlyArray<string> // sometimes empty arrays are preffered over null example some library methods might need Array type alone

const values: Array<$ReadOnlyArray<string>> = [];

const values: $ReadOnlyArray<string>[] = [];

const values: Array<$ReadOnlyArray<string>> = new Array();

const values: Array<$ReadOnlyArray<string>> = Array();
