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Non-interactive elements assigned mouse/keyboard event listeners JS-0760


Non-interactive HTML elements and non-interactive ARIA roles indicate content and containers in the user interface. A non-interactive element does not support event handlers (mouse and key handlers). Non-interactive elements include <main>, <area>, <h1> (,<h2>, etc), <p>, <img>, <li>, <ul> and <ol>. Non-interactive WAI-ARIA roles include article, banner, complementary, img, listitem, main, region and tooltip.

Bad Practice

<li onClick={() => void 0} />
<div onClick={() => void 0} role="listitem" />


<div onClick={() => void 0} role="button" />
<div onClick={() => void 0} role="presentation" />
<input type="text" onClick={() => void 0} /> // Interactive element does not require role.
<button onClick={() => void 0} className="foo" /> // button is interactive.
<div onClick={() => void 0} role="button" aria-hidden /> // This is hidden from screenreader.
<Input onClick={() => void 0} type="hidden" /> // This is a higher-level DOM component