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tabIndex declared on a non-interactive element JS-0762


Tab key navigation should be limited to elements on the page that can be interacted with. Thus it is not necessary to add a tabindex to items in an unordered list, for example, to make them navigable through assistive technology. These applications already afford page traversal mechanisms based on the HTML of the page. Generally, we should try to reduce the size of the page's tab ring rather than increasing it.

Bad Practice

<div tabIndex="0" />
<div role="article" tabIndex="0" />
<article tabIndex="0" />
<article tabIndex={0} />


<div />
<MyButton tabIndex={0} />
<button />
<button tabIndex="0" />
<button tabIndex={0} />
<div />
<div tabIndex="-1" />
<div role="button" tabIndex="0" />
<div role="article" tabIndex="-1" />
<article tabIndex="-1" />