

Made by DeepSource

Found redundant let-binding RS-W1218


let bindings in the form of if-let and while-let expressions are unnecessary unless they contain a pattern capture.

Consider using the matches! macro or testing equality == instead. Since the matches! macro was introduced in 1.42, this issue is raised only if the msrv flag in your .deepsource.toml file is set accordingly.

Bad practice

fn main() {
    if let Some(1) = foo() {}
    if let Bar(_) = bar() {}

// or,

enum EnumABC { A(i32), B(u32), C(&'static str) }
fn bar() -> EnumABC { EnumABC::B(10u32) }
fn foo() {
    let EnumABC::A(_) = bar() else { return None; }


fn main() {
    if foo() == Some(1) {}
    if matches!(bar(), Bar(_)) {}

// or,

enum EnumABC { A(i32), B(u32), C(&'static str) }
fn bar() -> EnumABC { EnumABC::B(10u32) }
fn foo() {
    if !matches!(bar(), EnumABC::A(_)) { return None; }