

Made by DeepSource

Hardcoded Clojars API token in source code SCT-1040


A hardcoded Clojars API token can allow an attacker to publish malicious packages to the repository. If the API token has been leaked, it is recommended to reset the token from the Clojars dashboard.

To fix this issue, it is recommended to use environment variables to store the API token. This practice ensures that the token is not hardcoded in the source code and is kept separate from the codebase. Using environment variables also makes it easier to manage the API token as it can be updated without modifying the source code.

Bad practice

(defn publish-to-clojars [group-id artifact-id version packaging file]
  (let [repository ""
        username "username"
        password "my-api-token"
        pom ( file)
        jar ( (.getParent file) (str artifact-id "-" version ".jar"))
        coords (str group-id "/" artifact-id "/" version)]
    (with-open [out (]
      (.waitFor (doto (.exec ( "curl"
                                                     "-X" "PUT"
                                                     "-u" (str username ":" password)
                                                     "-F" (str "file=@" jar)
                                                     "-F" (str "pom=@" pom)
                                                     (str repository coords packaging)))
                    (.redirectErrorStream true)
      (let [response (.toString out "UTF-8")]
        (if (.contains response "could not upload") (throw (Exception. response))))
      (.flush out))))

(publish-to-clojars "my-group-id" "my-artifact-id" "1.0.0" "jar" "path/to/my/artifact.jar")


(defn publish-to-clojars [group-id artifact-id version packaging file]
  (let [repository ""
        username "username"
        password (System/getenv "CLOJARS_API_TOKEN")
        pom ( file)
        jar ( (.getParent file) (str artifact-id "-" version ".jar"))
        coords (str group-id "/" artifact-id "/" version)]
    (with-open [out (]
      (.waitFor (doto (.exec ( "curl"
                                                     "-X" "PUT"
                                                     "-u" (str username ":" password)
                                                     "-F" (str "file=@" jar)
                                                     "-F" (str "pom=@" pom)
                                                     (str repository coords packaging)))
                    (.redirectErrorStream true)
      (let [response (.toString out "UTF-8")]
        (if (.contains response "could not upload") (throw (Exception. response))))
      (.flush out))))

(publish-to-clojars "my-group-id" "my-artifact-id" "1.0.0" "jar" "path/to/my/artifact.jar")