

Made by DeepSource

Consider using find instead of ls to better handle non-alphanumeric filenames SH-2012

Bug risk

Problematic code:

ls -l | grep " $USER " | grep '\.txt$'

NUMGZ="$(ls -l *.gz | wc -l)"

Preferred code:

find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.txt' -user "$USER"  # Using the names of the files

numgz=${#gz_files[@]} # Sometimes, you just need a count

ls is only intended for human consumption: it has a loose, non-standard format and may "clean up" filenames to make output easier to read.

Here's an example:

$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r----- 1 me me 0 Feb  5 20:11 foo?bar
-rw-r----- 1 me me 0 Feb  5  2011 foo?bar
-rw-r----- 1 me me 0 Feb  5 20:11 foo?bar

It shows three seemingly identical filenames, and did you spot the time format change? How it formats and what it redacts can differ between locale settings, ls version, and whether output is a tty.

Tips for replacing ls with find:

ls can usually be replaced by find if it's just the filenames, or a count of them, that you're after. Note that if you are using ls to get at the contents of a directory, a straight substitution of find may not yield the same results as ls. Here is an example:

$ ls -c1 .snapshot


$ find .snapshot -maxdepth 1

You can see two differences here. Difference 1: * find outputs the full paths to the found files, relative to the current working directory from which it was run. * ls only has the filenames. You may have to adjust your code to remove the directory from the filenames when moving from ls to find, or (with GNU find) use -printf '%P\n' to print just the filename.

Difference 2: * find includes the searched directory as an entry. This can be eliminated by also using -mindepth 1 to skip printing the root path, or using a negative name option for the searched directory:

$ find .snapshot -maxdepth 1 ! -name .snapshot

Note: If the directory argument to find is an absolute path (/home/somedir/.snapshot for example), then you should use basename on the -name filter:

$ theDir="$HOME/.snapshot"
$ find "$theDir" -maxdepth 1 ! -name "$(basename $theDir)"

If you are trying to parse out any other fields, first see whether stat (GNU, OS X, FreeBSD) or find -printf (GNU) can give you the data you want directly. When trying to determine file size, try: wc -c. This is more portable as wc is a mandatory unix command, unlike stat and find -printf. It may be slower as an unoptimized version of wc -c may read the entire file instead of just checking its properties. On some systems, wc -c adds whitespace to the file size which can be trimmed by double expansion: $(( $(wc -c < "filename") ))


If the information is intended for the user and not for processing (ls -l ~/dir | nl; echo "Ok to delete these files?") you can safely ignore this error.