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Audit: terraform.workspace used with a remote backend with remote execution TF-L0049


Note: If remote operations are disabled for your workspace, you can safely disable this warning.

Terraform configuration may include the name of the current workspace using the ${terraform.workspace} interpolation sequence. However, when Terraform Cloud workspaces are executing Terraform runs remotely, the Terraform CLI always uses the default workspace. The remote backend is used with Terraform Cloud workspaces. Even if you set a prefix in the workspaces block, this value will be ignored during remote runs.

For more information, see the remote backend workspaces documentation.


terraform {
  backend "remote" {
    # ...

resource "aws_instance" "a" {
  tags = {
    workspace = terraform.workspace

To fix this, consider adding a variable to your configuration and setting it in each cloud workspace:

variable "workspace" {
  type        = string
  description = "The workspace name"

You can also name the variable based on what the workspace suffix represents in your configuration (e.g. environment).