1nwf / Produx-v2

Useless template literal found JS-R1004
8 months agoa year old
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
261        }),
262        updateUser: builder.mutation<void, any>({
263            query: (data: any) => ({
264                url: `users/update`,265                method: 'PATCH',
266                body: data,
267            }),
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
46                    },
47                })
48            }}
49            className={`flex w-12/12 cursor-pointer bg-white rounded-md p-3 my-3 mx-3 `}50        >
51            <h1 className={'text-left ml-2'}>{post.title}</h1>
52        </div>
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
14}) {
15    const router = useRouter()
16    const [removePostFromBoard] = useRemoveFromPostsBoardMutation()
17    const pathToPost = `/products/[name]/[channel]/[postId]`18    const { name } = router.query
19    const [{ isDragging }, drag] = useDrag(() => ({
20        type: 'post',
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
134      )}
135      <div
136        ref={msgListDiv}
137        className={`relative bottom-5 mb-16 mx-4 mt-10`}138      >
139        {isLoading && <Loading className="mx-auto w-full" />}
140        {!hasMore && msgs.length >= 15 && (
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
109        <h1 className={"px-4 text-3xl font-bold"}>Ask a question</h1>
110        <div className="divider h-0 bg-red-400" />
111      </div>
112      <div className={`fixed z-50 md:w-[64vw] bottom-0`}>113        <form
114          className={"grid grid-cols-10 pb-5 w-full justify-start items-center mr-12"}
115        >