4k4xs4pH1r3 / artemisa

Servlets should not use mutable fields without synchronization JAVA-E0128
Bug risk
10 days ago20 days old
132	public static final boolean isMultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
133		// inspired by org.apache.commons.fileupload
134		logger.debug("content-type " + request.getContentType());135		return REQUEST_METHOD_POST.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod())
136				&& request.getContentType() != null
137				&& request.getContentType().toLowerCase()
106				throw new ServletException(
107						"Error while transcoding svg file to an image");
108			} catch (TranscoderException te){
109				logger.error("Error while transcoding svg file to an image", te);110				stream.close();
111				throw new ServletException(
112						"Error while transcoding svg file to an image");
101				stream = SVGRasterizer.getInstance().transcode(stream, svg,
102						mime, width);
103			} catch (SVGRasterizerException sre) {
104				logger.error("Error while transcoding svg file to an image", sre);105				stream.close();
106				throw new ServletException(
107						"Error while transcoding svg file to an image");
 79					+ ioe.getMessage());
 80			sendError(request, response, ioe);
 81		} catch ( ServletException sce) {
 82			logger.error("Oops something happened here redirect to error-page, " 83					+ sce.getMessage());
 84			sendError(request, response, sce);
 85		}
 75					width, mime, response);
 77		} catch (IOException ioe) {
 78			logger.error("Oops something happened here redirect to error-page, " 79					+ ioe.getMessage());
 80			sendError(request, response, ioe);
 81		} catch ( ServletException sce) {