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One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes FLK-D200
a year agoa year old
One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes
 48        self.custom_websocket_url = custom_ws_url
 50    def kill_connection(self):
 51        """ 52        Method that force kills the WebSocket connection by sending a SIGINT signal.
 53        """
 54        self.is_connected = False
One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes
 55        kill(getpid(), SIGINT)
 57    def setup(self):
 58        """ 59        Method that sets up the WebSocket connection and registers event handlers.
 60        """
 61        user_agent = f"{self.metadata.user_id} API Bot | Python Library"
One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes
101        )
103    def identify(self):
104        """105        Method that sends an "identify" frame to the server to authenticate the user.
106        """
107        if self.is_authed is False:
One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes
109            self.send("identify", self.auth, namespace="/trade")
111    def emit_filters(self):
112        """113        Method that sends a default filter frame to ensure that the client receives all events.
114        """
115        options = {
One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes
160        self.sio.disconnect()
162    def disconnect(self):
163        """164        Method that disconnects the socket and updates the has_disconnected flag.
165        """
166        self.has_disconnected = True