OreosLab / checkinpanel

Consider using f-strings PYL-C0209
2 years ago2 years old
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
556                continue
557            SERVERS = self.get_servers(sessid, s)
558            log(
559                "[EUserv] {} {}{} {}{}".format(560                    log_lang_options.get(log_lang, lambda x: x)(
561                        "The @@@ account is detected"
562                    ).replace("@@@", ordinal(i + 1)),
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
288            )
290            log(
291                "[Captcha Solver] {}{}".format(292                    log_lang_options.get(log_lang, lambda x: x)(
293                        "Failed to find parsed results"
294                    ),
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
260                        right_part = text[operator_pos + 1 :]
261                        return (
262                            eval(
263                                "{left} {operator} {right}".format(264                                    left=left_part, operator=operator, right=right_part
265                                )
266                            )
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
274                )
276                log(
277                    "[Captcha Solver] {}{}".format(278                        log_lang_options.get(log_lang, lambda x: x)(
279                            "Service Exception"
280                        ),
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
532            mailparser_dl_url_id = check_item.get("mailparser_dl_url_id")
533            log("*" * 12)
534            log(
535                "[EUserv] {}{}".format(536                    log_lang_options.get(log_lang, lambda x: x)(
537                        "Renewing the @@@ account"
538                    ).replace("@@@", ordinal(i + 1)),