QuackatronHQ / Gigarepo

Implicit aliasing of column detected SQL-L012
2 occurrences in this check
Implicit aliasing of column not allowed. Use explicit AS clause
14  a+(b*c), (a+b)*c             -- ditto
17INSERT INTO mnop (m, n) SELECT i, (1e9 + i/2e4)::float FROM generate_series(1, 2e4) AS i(i) RETURNING NOTHING18
19CREATE TABLE midprimarykeyswapcleanup AS SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,3) AS a;
20-- This schema change is used to enable the primary key swap. The backup is not taken during this schema change.
Implicit aliasing of column not allowed. Use explicit AS clause
1select sum(a) over w, avg(b) over (partition by c order by d rows e preceding), min(f) over (order by g range between unbounded preceding and h following exclude ties) from t window w as (partition by i groups between j preceding and current row exclude no others)