QuackatronHQ / Gigarepo

Undefined reference detected SQL-L026
Bug risk
2 occurrences in this check
Reference 'information_schema._pg_expandarray' refers to table/view 'information_schema' not found in the FROM clause or found in parent subquery
33         i.indisclustered,
34         i.indpred,
35         i.indexprs,
36         information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey) AS KEYS37  FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i
38) i
39  ON (ct.oid = i.indrelid)
Reference 'pg_catalog.pg_get_expr' refers to table/view 'pg_catalog' not found in the FROM clause or found in parent subquery
22       END AS asc_or_desc,
23       ci.reltuples AS CARDINALITY,
24       ci.relpages AS pages,
25       pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred, i.indrelid) AS filter_condition26FROM pg_catalog.pg_class ct
27JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (ct.relnamespace = n.oid)
28JOIN (