Spelunking-Studios / The-Caverns-Website

Prefer that non-interactive, visible elements (such as <div>) that have click handlers use the role attribute JS-0765
20 days ago20 days old
Avoid non-native interactive elements. If using native HTML is not possible, add an appropriate role and support for tabbing, mouse, keyboard, and touch inputs to an interactive content element
43                                <div className="relative border-b-2 mx-2 my-6">
44                                    <span className="absolute -top-2.5 text-center w-full "><a className="dark:bg-zinc-700 px-2 py-1 rounded-lg">OR</a></span>
45                                </div>
46                                <div className="transition ease-in-out dark:bg-zinc-100 dark:hover:bg-zinc-400 mx-2 text-black py-1.5 rounded-lg text-xl flex grid-cols-2 gap-4 my-4 justify-center cursor-pointer" onClick={ ()=>setGoogleSignin(!googleSignin)}>47                                    <img src="/images/GoogleLogo.webp" className="w-7"/>
48                                    <p>Sign in with Google</p>
49                                </div>