Team-Gigabyte / quotobot

Consider removing the commented out code block PY-W0069
5 months ago5 months old
Consider removing the commented out code block
 9    count += 1
10    #db.cursor().execute("insert into Quotes(quote, id, source, usage) values('" +q+"}', "+str(count)+", 'George Washington', 0)")
11    db.cursor().execute("insert into Quotes(quote, id, source, usage) values(?,?,?,?)",(q, count, source, 0))
12#print(data["Thomas Jefferson"])13db.commit()
Consider removing the commented out code block
 7source = "Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy"
 8for q in data[source]:
 9    count += 1
10    #db.cursor().execute("insert into Quotes(quote, id, source, usage) values('" +q+"}', "+str(count)+", 'George Washington', 0)")11    db.cursor().execute("insert into Quotes(quote, id, source, usage) values(?,?,?,?)",(q, count, source, 0))
12#print(data["Thomas Jefferson"])