Wokia-Dev / EzFractal

Audit: Starting a process with a partial executable path BAN-B607
a year agoa year old
Starting a process with a partial executable path
130                        )
131                elif checked_complex_button.name == "btnSettings":
132                    try:
133                        os.startfile("CONFIG.ini")134                    except Exception as e:
135                        print("Error: ", e)
136                        try:
Starting a process with a partial executable path
 73                    except Exception as e:
 74                        print("Error:", e)
 75                        try:
 76                            subprocess.Popen( 77                                ["xdg-open", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Resources/Images/Saved_fractals/")]) 78                        except Exception as e:
 79                            print("Error:", e)