Wokia-Dev / EzFractal

Blank line contains whitespace FLK-W293
a year agoa year old
231            # if the object is not displayed intirely
232            if not display_height < custom_height:
233                min_y = custom_y + self.y - self.offset
234            235            # if the object is displayed intirely
236            else:
237                min_y = custom_y + self.y + custom_height - self.offset - display_height
227            display_height = custom_height
228            if custom_height + custom_y - self.offset < custom_height:
229                display_height = custom_height + custom_y - self.offset
230            231            # if the object is not displayed intirely
232            if not display_height < custom_height:
233                min_y = custom_y + self.y - self.offset
223        # check x position
224        if self.x + custom_x <= x <= self.x + custom_x + custom_width:
225            226            # get the display height of the object
227            display_height = custom_height
228            if custom_height + custom_y - self.offset < custom_height:
blank line contains whitespace
231            # if the object is not displayed intirely
232            if not display_height < custom_height:
233                min_y = custom_y + self.y - self.offset
234            235            # if the object is displayed intirely
236            else:
237                min_y = custom_y + self.y + custom_height - self.offset - display_height
blank line contains whitespace
227            display_height = custom_height
228            if custom_height + custom_y - self.offset < custom_height:
229                display_height = custom_height + custom_y - self.offset
230            231            # if the object is not displayed intirely
232            if not display_height < custom_height:
233                min_y = custom_y + self.y - self.offset