Wokia-Dev / EzFractal

Doc line too long FLK-W505
2 occurrences in this check
doc line too long (109 > 88 characters)
113    x: int, y: int, color: str, transparency: int = 255, canvas=None
114) -> None:
115    """Draws a point with coordinates (x, y) by default the transparency is opaque and the color is black
116    If a canvas (in reality a surface) is given, then the drawing is done on the canvas and not on the screen117    """
118    surface = __choose(canvas)
119    rgb_color = hex_to_rgb(color)
doc line too long (109 > 88 characters)
548    image: pygame.Surface, x: int, y: int, transparency: int = 255, canvas=None
549) -> None:
550    """Draws an image at the given position. Note that if you apply transparency, the image must not be transparent
551    itself. By default, the image is drawn on the graphics window, but it can be placed in a canvas (surface)552    """
553    surface = __choose(canvas)
554    if transparency < 255: