Zhihui-Platform / client

Require template literals instead of string concatenation JS-0246
a year agoa year old
Unexpected string concatenation.
26) {
27  const script = `${npx} slidev export --format ${options.output} ${
28    options.withClicks ? "--with-clicks" : ""
29  } ${options.range ? "--range " + options.range : ""} ${30    options.dark ? "--dark" : ""
31  } --timeout 120000`;
32  execSync(script, {
Unexpected string concatenation.
 3export async function fetchVersion() {
 4  const response = await fetch("https://registry.npmjs.org/node");
 5  const json = await response.json();
 6  return "v" + json["dist-tags"].latest; 7}
 9export async function getDownloadUrl() {
Unexpected string concatenation.
29    )
30  ) {
31    throw new Error(
32      "node.exe not found. Please clear out " + folder + " and try again."33    );
34  }
35  console.log(folder, folder_node);