Zhihui-Platform / client

Unnecessary type assertion of an expression JS-0349
2 years ago2 years old
This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression
 90    render: (tokens, idx) => {
 91      const m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^details\s+(.*)$/);
 92      if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
 93        return `<details class="custom-block details"><summary>${md.utils.escapeHtml(m![1])}</summary>\n`; 94      } else {
 95        return "</details>\n";
 96      }
This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression
 79    render: (tokens, idx) => {
 80      const m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^info\s+(.*)$/);
 81      if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
 82        return `<div class="custom-block info"><p class="custom-block-title">${md.utils.escapeHtml(m![1])}</p>\n`; 83      } else {
 84        return "</div>\n";
 85      }
This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression
 68    render: (tokens, idx) => {
 69      const m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^danger\s+(.*)$/);
 70      if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
 71        return `<div class="custom-block danger"><p class="custom-block-title">${md.utils.escapeHtml(m![1])}</p>\n`; 72      } else {
 73        return "</div>\n";
 74      }
This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression
 57    render: (tokens, idx) => {
 58      const m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^warning\s+(.*)$/);
 59      if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
 60        return `<div class="custom-block warning"><p class="custom-block-title">${md.utils.escapeHtml(m![1])}</p>\n`; 61      } else {
 62        return "</div>\n";
 63      }
This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression
 46    render: (tokens, idx) => {
 47      const m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^tip\s+(.*)$/);
 48      if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
 49        return `<div class="custom-block tip"><p class="custom-block-title">${md.utils.escapeHtml(m![1])}</p>\n`; 50      } else {
 51        return "</div>\n";
 52      }