Zxce3 / userbot

Function contains unused argument PYL-W0613
a year agoa year old
 4import requests
 6@app.on_message(filters.command("stack", prefix) & filters.me)
 7async def stack(app, msg): 8    await msg.edit("Processing...")
 9    if len(msg.command) < 2:
10        await msg.edit(f"`{prefix}stack` **query**")
 4import requests
 6@app.on_message(filters.command("repo", prefix) & filters.me)
 7async def search_repo(app, msg): 8    url = "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q="
 9    if len(msg.command) < 2:
10        await msg.edit(f"`{prefix}search-repo` **query**")
Unused argument 'app'
56# list of categories from data
57@app.on_message(filters.command("neko2list", prefix) & filters.me)
58async def neko2list(app, msg):59    # parse data to string and make list of categories
60    categories = "\n-".join(data)
61    # usage of categories
Unused argument 'app'
77# list of categories from data dsfw and dnsfw for nekolist
78@app.on_message(filters.command("nekolist", prefix) & filters.me)
79async def getNekoList(app, msg):80    sfw = "\n- ".join(dsfw)
81    nsfw = "\n- ".join(dnsfw)
82    await msg.edit(f"**SFW (Safe for work) list** \n\n- {sfw}\n\n**NSFW (NOT safe for work) list** \n\n- {nsfw}")
Unused argument 'app'
 6# exec os command and send output to message
 7@app.on_message(filters.command(["exec",">"], prefix) & filters.me)
 8async def execCommand(app, msg): 9    if len(msg.command) < 2:
10        await msg.edit("Usage: `exec [command]`")
11        return