athphane / userbot

Audit: Starting a process with a partial executable path BAN-B607
6 months ago4 years old
Starting a process with a partial executable path
 81            os.system("git reset --hard")
 82            os.system("git pull")
 83        if pip:
 84            os.system("pip install -U -r requirements.txt") 85
 86        os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, "-m", self.__class__.__name__.lower())
 87        sys.exit()
Starting a process with a partial executable path
 80        if git_update:
 81            os.system("git reset --hard")
 82            os.system("git pull") 83        if pip:
 84            os.system("pip install -U -r requirements.txt")
Starting a process with a partial executable path
 78            print(c_e)
 80        if git_update:
 81            os.system("git reset --hard") 82            os.system("git pull")
 83        if pip:
 84            os.system("pip install -U -r requirements.txt")