ben-manes / caffeine

Object should not be passed where a generic type is expected JAVA-W1036
Bug risk
16 occurrences in this check
43    // return is somewhat arbitrary here. Since we do not necessarily track asynchronous changes,
44    // the most recent "previous" value could be different from what we return (or could even have
45    // been removed, in which case the put will re-establish). We do not and cannot guarantee more."
46    map.put(getKey(), value);47    return super.setValue(value);
48  }
1063      return transformer.apply(;
1064    }
1065    @Override public @Nullable CacheEntry<K, V> getEntryIfPresentQuietly(K key) {
1066      V value = transformer.apply(;1067      return (value == null) ? null : SnapshotEntry.forEntry(key, value);
1068    }
1069    @Override public Map<K, CompletableFuture<V>> refreshes() {
1060      return cache.isRecordingStats;
1061    }
1062    @Override public @Nullable V getIfPresentQuietly(K key) {
1063      return transformer.apply(;1064    }
1065    @Override public @Nullable CacheEntry<K, V> getEntryIfPresentQuietly(K key) {
1066      V value = transformer.apply(;
 759      requireNonNull(filter);
 760      boolean removed = false;
 761      for (var entry : {
 762        if (filter.test(entry.getValue())) { 763          removed |= cache.remove(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
 764        }
 765      }
3976      return cache.isRecordingStats();
3977    }
3978    @Override public @Nullable V getIfPresentQuietly(K key) {
3979      return transformer.apply(cache.getIfPresentQuietly(key));3980    }
3981    @Override public @Nullable CacheEntry<K, V> getEntryIfPresentQuietly(K key) {
3982      Node<K, V> node =;
3224      stream.takeWhile(entry -> {
3225        weightedSize = Math.addExact(weightedSize, entry.weight());
3226        return (weightedSize <= weightLimit);
3227      }).forEach(entry -> map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));3228      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
3229    }
3230  }
1310              CompletableFuture<V> future = (CompletableFuture<V>) oldValue;
1311              if (Async.isReady(future)) {
1312                @SuppressWarnings("NullAway")
1313                var refresh = cacheLoader.asyncReload(key, future.join(), executor);1314                refreshFuture[0] = requireNonNull(refresh, "Null future");
1315              } else {
1316                // no-op if load is pending
3162  /** Returns an entry for the given node if it can be used externally, else null. */
3163  @Nullable CacheEntry<K, V> nodeToCacheEntry(Node<K, V> node, Function<V, V> transformer) {
3164    V value = transformer.apply(node.getValue());3165    K key = node.getKey();
3166    long now;
3167    if ((key == null) || (value == null) || !node.isAlive()
3202    @Override
3203    public Map<K, V> apply(Stream<CacheEntry<K, V>> stream) {
3204      var map = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(calculateHashMapCapacity(expectedSize));
3205      stream.limit(limit).forEach(entry -> map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));3206      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
3207    }
3208  }
3202    @Override
3203    public Map<K, V> apply(Stream<CacheEntry<K, V>> stream) {
3204      var map = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(calculateHashMapCapacity(expectedSize));
3205      stream.limit(limit).forEach(entry -> map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));3206      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
3207    }
3208  }
3224      stream.takeWhile(entry -> {
3225        weightedSize = Math.addExact(weightedSize, entry.weight());
3226        return (weightedSize <= weightLimit);
3227      }).forEach(entry -> map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));3228      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
3229    }
3230  }
168    @Override
169    public long expireAfterCreate(K key, CompletableFuture<V> future, long currentTime) {
170      if (isReady(future)) {
171        long duration = delegate.expireAfterCreate(key, future.join(), currentTime);172        return Math.min(duration, MAXIMUM_EXPIRY);
173      }
174      return ASYNC_EXPIRY;
179        long currentTime, long currentDuration) {
180      if (isReady(future)) {
181        long duration = (currentDuration > MAXIMUM_EXPIRY)
182            ? delegate.expireAfterCreate(key, future.join(), currentTime)183            : delegate.expireAfterUpdate(key, future.join(), currentTime, currentDuration);
184        return Math.min(duration, MAXIMUM_EXPIRY);
185      }
180      if (isReady(future)) {
181        long duration = (currentDuration > MAXIMUM_EXPIRY)
182            ? delegate.expireAfterCreate(key, future.join(), currentTime)
183            : delegate.expireAfterUpdate(key, future.join(), currentTime, currentDuration);184        return Math.min(duration, MAXIMUM_EXPIRY);
185      }
186      return ASYNC_EXPIRY;
190    public long expireAfterRead(K key, CompletableFuture<V> future,
191        long currentTime, long currentDuration) {
192      if (isReady(future)) {
193        long duration = delegate.expireAfterRead(key, future.join(), currentTime, currentDuration);194        return Math.min(duration, MAXIMUM_EXPIRY);
195      }
196      return ASYNC_EXPIRY;
142    @Override
143    public int weigh(K key, CompletableFuture<V> future) {
144      return isReady(future) ? delegate.weigh(key, future.join()) : 0;145    }
147    Object writeReplace() {