concourse / concourse

Invalid tag used in struct SCC-SA5008
Bug risk
4 months ago4 years old
 32	VolumesDir flag.Dir `long:"volumes" required:"true" description:"Directory in which to place volume data."`
 34	Driver string `long:"driver" default:"detect" choice:"detect" choice:"naive" choice:"btrfs" choice:"overlay" description:"Driver to use for managing volumes."` 35
 36	BtrfsBin string `long:"btrfs-bin" default:"btrfs" description:"Path to btrfs binary"`
 37	MkfsBin  string `long:"mkfs-bin" default:"mkfs.btrfs" description:"Path to mkfs.btrfs binary"`
 27	DebugBindPort uint16  `long:"debug-bind-port" default:"7787"      description:"Port on which to listen for the pprof debugger endpoints."`
 29	P2pInterfaceNamePattern string `long:"p2p-interface-name-pattern" default:"eth0" description:"Regular expression to match a network interface for p2p streaming"`
 30	P2pInterfaceFamily      int    `long:"p2p-interface-family" default:"4" choice:"4" choice:"6" description:"4 for IPv4 and 6 for IPv6"` 31
 32	VolumesDir flag.Dir `long:"volumes" required:"true" description:"Directory in which to place volume data."`
duplicate struct tag "alias"
38	Watch   WatchCommand   `command:"watch"   alias:"w" description:"Stream a build's output"`
40	Containers ContainersCommand `command:"containers" alias:"cs" description:"Print the active containers"`
41	Hijack     HijackCommand     `command:"hijack"     alias:"intercept" alias:"i" description:"Execute a command in a container"`42
43	Jobs        JobsCommand        `command:"jobs"            alias:"js"  description:"List the jobs in the pipelines"`
44	PausedJobs  PausedJobsCommand  `command:"paused-jobs"     alias:"pjs" description:"List the paused jobs in the pipelines"`
duplicate struct tag "choice"
 15type PlacementOptions struct {
 16	Strategies                   []string `long:"container-placement-strategy" default:"volume-locality" choice:"volume-locality" choice:"random" choice:"fewest-build-containers" choice:"limit-active-tasks" choice:"limit-active-containers" choice:"limit-active-volumes" description:"Method by which a worker is selected during container placement. If multiple methods are specified, they will be applied in order. Random strategy should only be used alone."`
 17	NoInputStrategies            []string `long:"no-input-container-placement-strategy"  choice:"random" choice:"fewest-build-containers" choice:"limit-active-tasks" choice:"limit-active-containers" choice:"limit-active-volumes" description:"A second container placement strategy that will only be used for get and nested check steps."`
 18	CheckStrategies              []string `long:"check-container-placement-strategy" default:"random" choice:"random" choice:"fewest-build-containers" choice:"limit-active-tasks" choice:"limit-active-containers" choice:"limit-active-volumes" description:"A third container placement strategy that will only be used for lidar checks."` 19	MaxActiveTasksPerWorker      int      `long:"max-active-tasks-per-worker" default:"0" description:"Maximum allowed number of active build tasks per worker. Has effect only when used with limit-active-tasks placement strategy. 0 means no limit."`
 20	MaxActiveContainersPerWorker int      `long:"max-active-containers-per-worker" default:"0" description:"Maximum allowed number of active containers per worker. Has effect only when used with limit-active-containers placement strategy. 0 means no limit."`
 21	MaxActiveVolumesPerWorker    int      `long:"max-active-volumes-per-worker" default:"0" description:"Maximum allowed number of active volumes per worker. Has effect only when used with limit-active-volumes placement strategy. 0 means no limit."`
duplicate struct tag "choice"
 15type PlacementOptions struct {
 16	Strategies                   []string `long:"container-placement-strategy" default:"volume-locality" choice:"volume-locality" choice:"random" choice:"fewest-build-containers" choice:"limit-active-tasks" choice:"limit-active-containers" choice:"limit-active-volumes" description:"Method by which a worker is selected during container placement. If multiple methods are specified, they will be applied in order. Random strategy should only be used alone."`
 17	NoInputStrategies            []string `long:"no-input-container-placement-strategy"  choice:"random" choice:"fewest-build-containers" choice:"limit-active-tasks" choice:"limit-active-containers" choice:"limit-active-volumes" description:"A second container placement strategy that will only be used for get and nested check steps."` 18	CheckStrategies              []string `long:"check-container-placement-strategy" default:"random" choice:"random" choice:"fewest-build-containers" choice:"limit-active-tasks" choice:"limit-active-containers" choice:"limit-active-volumes" description:"A third container placement strategy that will only be used for lidar checks."`
 19	MaxActiveTasksPerWorker      int      `long:"max-active-tasks-per-worker" default:"0" description:"Maximum allowed number of active build tasks per worker. Has effect only when used with limit-active-tasks placement strategy. 0 means no limit."`
 20	MaxActiveContainersPerWorker int      `long:"max-active-containers-per-worker" default:"0" description:"Maximum allowed number of active containers per worker. Has effect only when used with limit-active-containers placement strategy. 0 means no limit."`