deepsourcestatus / test-repository

Useless template literal found JS-R1004
8 months ago8 months old
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
 5  return (
 6    <>
 7      <h1 class="no-unknown-property" font-size="24" onClick={() => console.log('Should not use bind in JSX props')}>
 8        {title ? title : `Welcome to DeepSource`} 9      </h1>
10      <Hero className={'bg'} title='DeepSource is how you write clean and secure code' title=''></Hero>
11      <ul>
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
 5  return (
 6    <>
 7      <h1 class="no-unknown-property" font-size="24" onClick={() => console.log('Should not use bind in JSX props')}>
 8        {title ? title : `Welcome to DeepSource`} 9      </h1>
10      <Hero className={'bg'} title='DeepSource is how you write clean and secure code' title=''></Hero>
11      <ul>
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
 7    <div className="App">
 8      <header className="App-header">
 9        <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" alt="logo_"/>
10        <Home title={`Welcome to DeepSource Enterprise`} isHero={true}></Home>11        <a
12          className="App-link"
13          href=""
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
 6const request = require('request') // <- deprecated library
 7const baseURL = `http://localhost:3000/` 8
 9request(baseURL, (error, response, body) => {
10  if (error) {