deepsourcestatus / test-repository

Audit required: Presence of debug function found PHP-A1012
8 months ago8 months old
Use of var_dump() to log can be risky if the variable contains sensitive information
27        var_dump(PHP_73); // invalid: constant doesn't exist
29        var_dump(Version::php72());
30        var_dump(Version::PHP73());31
32        var_dump(htmlSpecialChars('<strong>Foo</strong>'));
33    }
Use of var_dump() to log can be risky if the variable contains sensitive information
26        var_dump(PHP_74);
27        var_dump(PHP_73); // invalid: constant doesn't exist
29        var_dump(Version::php72());30        var_dump(Version::PHP73());
32        var_dump(htmlSpecialChars('<strong>Foo</strong>'));
Use of var_dump() to log can be risky if the variable contains sensitive information
20         * Some comments
21         *
22         */
23        var_dump(php_80());24        var_dump(php_81()); // invalid: function doesn't exist
26        var_dump(PHP_74);
Use of var_dump() to log can be risky if the variable contains sensitive information
21         *
22         */
23        var_dump(php_80());
24        var_dump(php_81()); // invalid: function doesn't exist25
26        var_dump(PHP_74);
27        var_dump(PHP_73); // invalid: constant doesn't exist
Use of var_dump() to log can be risky if the variable contains sensitive information
23        var_dump(php_80());
24        var_dump(php_81()); // invalid: function doesn't exist
26        var_dump(PHP_74);27        var_dump(PHP_73); // invalid: constant doesn't exist
29        var_dump(Version::php72());