franius8 / todo-site

Interactive elements should be focusable JS-0751
a year agoa year old
Elements with the 'button' interactive role must be focusable.
 72                <div className="labelstripe" style={{backgroundColor: priorityColor}} />
 73                <div className="middlediv">
 74                    <div className="checkboxdiv">
 75                        <div className="checkbox" onClick={moveToDone} role="button"></div> 76                    </div>
 77                    <div className="todocontent">
 78                        <div className="todoheading">{heading}</div>
Elements with the 'button' interactive role must be focusable.
103                <Header active={"projects"}/>
104                <div id="projectdiv">
105                    <div id="actiondiv">
106                        No Projects yet. Time to <span id="addnew" onClick={() => dispatch(toggleProjectForm())}107                                                       role="button">add a new one</span>.108                    </div>
109                </div>
110            </>
Elements with the 'button' interactive role must be focusable.
 71                    <div className="labelstripe" style={{backgroundColor: priorityColor}} />
 72                    <div className="middlediv">
 73                        <div className="checkboxdiv">
 74                            <div className="checkbox" onClick={moveToDone} role="button"></div> 75                        </div>
 76                        <div className="projectcontent">
 77                            <div className="projectname">{name}</div>
Elements with the 'button' interactive role must be focusable.
 80                        </div>
 81                        <ElementButtonDiv delete={handleDeleteProject} toggleEdit={toggleEdit} />
 82                    </div>
 83                    <div className="expandbutton" onClick={toggleToDos} role="button"> 84                        <span className={`material-symbols-outlined ${projectToDoVisible ? "rotate" : ""}`}>expand_less</span>
 85                    </div>
 86                </div>
Elements with the 'button' interactive role must be focusable.
124                        </div>
125                        <EditFormButtonDiv toggleEdit={toggleEdit} />
126                    </div>
127                    <div className="expandbutton" onClick={toggleToDos} role="button">128                        <span className="material-symbols-outlined">{projectToDoVisible ? "expand_more" : "expand_less"}</span>
129                    </div>
130                </div>