franius8 / todo-site

Prefer that non-interactive, visible elements (such as <div>) that have click handlers use the role attribute JS-0765
a year agoa year old
Avoid non-native interactive elements. If using native HTML is not possible, add an appropriate role and support for tabbing, mouse, keyboard, and touch inputs to an interactive content element.
34            <div className="labelstripe" style={{backgroundColor: "gray"}} />
35            <div className="middlediv">
36                <div className="checkboxdiv">
37                    <div className="checkbox donecheckbox" onClick={revertDone}></div>38                </div>
39                <div className="todocontent">
40                    <div className="todoheading">{heading}</div>
Avoid non-native interactive elements. If using native HTML is not possible, add an appropriate role and support for tabbing, mouse, keyboard, and touch inputs to an interactive content element.
 57                    <div className="labelstripe" style={{backgroundColor: "grey"}} />
 58                    <div className="middlediv">
 59                        <div className="checkboxdiv">
 60                            <div className="checkbox donecheckbox" onClick={revertProject}></div> 61                        </div>
 62                        <div className="projectcontent">
 63                            <div className="projectname">{name}</div>