graphite-project / carbon

Undefined name detected PYL-E0602
Bug risk
7 occurrences in this check
Undefined variable 'BlackList'
 59        settings.USE_METRIC_FILTERS = True
 60        log.msg("NOTE: 'USE_WHITELIST' is being deprecated in favor of 'USE_METRIC_FILTERS'.")
 61        WhiteList.read_from(settings.whitelist)     #DEPRECATING
 62        BlackList.read_from(settings.blacklist)     #DEPRECATING 63
 64    if settings.USE_METRIC_FILTERS:
 65        from carbon.regexlist import allowed_metrics, blocked_metrics
Undefined variable 'BlackList'
 69        if WhiteList:                               #DEPRECATING
 70            allowed_metrics.update(WhiteList)       #DEPRECATING
 71        if BlackList:                               #DEPRECATING
 72            blocked_metrics.update(BlackList)       #DEPRECATING 73
 74    # Instantiate an instrumentation service that will record metrics about
 75    # this service.
Undefined variable 'BlackList'
 68        # I hope that this does what I think.
 69        if WhiteList:                               #DEPRECATING
 70            allowed_metrics.update(WhiteList)       #DEPRECATING
 71        if BlackList:                               #DEPRECATING 72            blocked_metrics.update(BlackList)       #DEPRECATING
 74    # Instantiate an instrumentation service that will record metrics about
Undefined variable 'WhiteList'
 67        blocked_metrics.read_from(settings.blocked_metrics)
 68        # I hope that this does what I think.
 69        if WhiteList:                               #DEPRECATING
 70            allowed_metrics.update(WhiteList)       #DEPRECATING 71        if BlackList:                               #DEPRECATING
 72            blocked_metrics.update(BlackList)       #DEPRECATING
Undefined variable 'WhiteList'
 66        allowed_metrics.read_from(settings.allowed_metrics)
 67        blocked_metrics.read_from(settings.blocked_metrics)
 68        # I hope that this does what I think.
 69        if WhiteList:                               #DEPRECATING 70            allowed_metrics.update(WhiteList)       #DEPRECATING
 71        if BlackList:                               #DEPRECATING
 72            blocked_metrics.update(BlackList)       #DEPRECATING
Undefined variable 'WhiteList'
 58    if settings.USE_WHITELIST:  # DEPRECATING per
 59        settings.USE_METRIC_FILTERS = True
 60        log.msg("NOTE: 'USE_WHITELIST' is being deprecated in favor of 'USE_METRIC_FILTERS'.")
 61        WhiteList.read_from(settings.whitelist)     #DEPRECATING 62        BlackList.read_from(settings.blacklist)     #DEPRECATING
 64    if settings.USE_METRIC_FILTERS:
Undefined variable 'log'
 58    if settings.USE_WHITELIST:  # DEPRECATING per
 59        settings.USE_METRIC_FILTERS = True
 60        log.msg("NOTE: 'USE_WHITELIST' is being deprecated in favor of 'USE_METRIC_FILTERS'.") 61        WhiteList.read_from(settings.whitelist)     #DEPRECATING
 62        BlackList.read_from(settings.blacklist)     #DEPRECATING