gui-ying233 / my-bot

Prefer adding u flag in regular expressions JS-0117
8 occurrences in this check
Use the 'u' flag with regular expressions
156					"CAT:错误使用标题替换模板的页面",
157					/{{\s*:?\s*(?:Template\s*:|[]\s*:|T\s*:)?\s*(?:[][][]|[][][]).*}}\n?/gis,
158					"",
159					/^Category:需要更换为(?:标题格式化|小写标题)的页面$/160				);
161				// await cleaner(
162				// 	"CAT:错误使用NoSubpage的页面",
Use the 'u' flag with regular expressions
154				);
155				await cleaner(
156					"CAT:错误使用标题替换模板的页面",
157					/{{\s*:?\s*(?:Template\s*:|[]\s*:|T\s*:)?\s*(?:[][][]|[][][]).*}}\n?/gis,158					"",
159					/^Category:需要更换为(?:标题格式化|小写标题)的页面$/
160				);
Use the 'u' flag with regular expressions
145				);
146				await cleaner(
147					"CAT:需要更换为小写标题的页面",
148					/{{\s*:?\s*(?:Template\s*:|[]\s*:|T\s*:)?\s*(?:[][][]|[][][]).*}}\n?/gis,149					"{{小写标题}}"
150				);
151				await cleaner(
Use the 'u' flag with regular expressions
140				);
141				await cleaner(
142					"CAT:需要更换为标题格式化的页面",
143					/{{\s*:?\s*(?:Template\s*:|[]\s*:|T\s*:)?\s*(?:[][][]|[][][]).*}}\n?/gis,144					"{{标题格式化}}"
145				);
146				await cleaner(
Use the 'u' flag with regular expressions
136			await bot.login().then(async () => {
137				await cleaner(
138					"CAT:错误使用标题格式化的页面",
139					/{{\s*:?\s*(?:Template\s*:|[模样樣]板\s*:|T\s*:)?\s*[标標][题題]格式化.*}}\n?/gi140				);
141				await cleaner(
142					"CAT:需要更换为标题格式化的页面",
Use the 'u' flag with regular expressions
 33					console.log("跳过页面");
 34				} else if (
 35					result1.query.pages[i].revisions[0].content.match(
 36						/{{:?(?:Template:|[模样樣]板:|T:)?(?:施工中|[编編][辑輯]中|inuse)/gi 37					) !== null
 38				) {
 39					console.log("施工中");
Use the 'u' flag with regular expressions
 26				);
 27				if (
 28					new RegExp(
 29						/^(?:Template:Sandbox|Template:沙盒|模块:Sandbox)\// 30					).test(result1.query.pages[i].title) ||
 31					new RegExp(skipTitle).test(result1.query.pages[i].title)
 32				) {
Use the 'u' flag with regular expressions
24				const result1 = await bot.doEdit({
25					title: result0.query.pages[i].title,
26					text: result0.query.pages[i].revisions[0].content.replace(
27						/fallback *?= *?约?(\d{0,3})[,,]?\s?(\d{0,3})[,,]?\s?(\d{0,3})[,,]?\s?(\d{0,3})\s?[\+\-+]?/g,28						"fallback=$1$2$3$4"
29					),
30					summary: "fallback参数更新",