hassan11196 / QRSMS-V1

Consider using identity comparison with singleton PTC-W0068
Bug risk
14 occurrences in this check
Comparison to singleton False should be expr is False
629        results = transcript.course_result.all()
630        total_cr = 0
631        for sheet in results:
632            if last_course_being_final and sheet.finalized == False:633                last_course_being_final = False
634            sum += sheet.gpa*sheet.course.credit_hour
635            count += 1
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
573    #grading_type = request.POST['Type']
574    scheme = 0
575    scsddc = request.POST['scsddc']
576    if scsddc == None or scsddc == "" or scsddc == "null":577        return JsonResponse({"Error": "Invalid scsddc"}, status=403)
578    csection = CourseSection.objects.get(scsddc=scsddc)
579    for student_info in csection.student_info.all():
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
529def marks_info(request):
530    scsddc = request.POST['scsddc']
531    print(scsddc)
532    if scsddc == None or scsddc == "" or scsddc == "null":533        return JsonResponse({"Failed": "Invalid Input Parameters"}, status=403)
534    print(scsddc)
535    marks = SectionMarks.objects.filter(scsddc=scsddc).values()
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
437            info = csection.student_info.get(student=student_info.student)
439            info.mark_sheet.Marks.add(new_a)
440            if info.mark_sheet.grand_total_marks == None:441                info.mark_sheet.grand_total_marks = 0.0
442            info.mark_sheet.grand_total_marks += float(section_marks.weightage)
443            info.mark_sheet.year = year
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
240    scsddc = request.POST['scsddc']
241    marks_type = request.POST['marks_type']
242    marks_data = json.loads(request.POST['marks_data'])
243    if marks_type == None or marks_type == "" or scsddc == None or scsddc == "" or marks_data == None or marks_data == "":244        return JsonResponse({"Failed": "Invalid Input Parameters"}, status=403)
245    else:
246        try:
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
240    scsddc = request.POST['scsddc']
241    marks_type = request.POST['marks_type']
242    marks_data = json.loads(request.POST['marks_data'])
243    if marks_type == None or marks_type == "" or scsddc == None or scsddc == "" or marks_data == None or marks_data == "":244        return JsonResponse({"Failed": "Invalid Input Parameters"}, status=403)
245    else:
246        try:
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
240    scsddc = request.POST['scsddc']
241    marks_type = request.POST['marks_type']
242    marks_data = json.loads(request.POST['marks_data'])
243    if marks_type == None or marks_type == "" or scsddc == None or scsddc == "" or marks_data == None or marks_data == "":244        return JsonResponse({"Failed": "Invalid Input Parameters"}, status=403)
245    else:
246        try:
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
149    def post(self, request):
150        marks_type = request.POST['marks_type']
151        scsddc = request.POST['scsddc']
152        if marks_type == None or marks_type == "" or scsddc == None or scsddc == "" or scsddc == "null":153            return JsonResponse({"Failure": "Parameters Are Not Valid"}, safe=False, status=403)
154        student_marks = StudentMarks.objects.filter(
155            marks_type=marks_type, scsddc=scsddc)
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
149    def post(self, request):
150        marks_type = request.POST['marks_type']
151        scsddc = request.POST['scsddc']
152        if marks_type == None or marks_type == "" or scsddc == None or scsddc == "" or scsddc == "null":153            return JsonResponse({"Failure": "Parameters Are Not Valid"}, safe=False, status=403)
154        student_marks = StudentMarks.objects.filter(
155            marks_type=marks_type, scsddc=scsddc)
Comparison to singleton True should be expr is True
166        if dep is None or deg is None:
167            return JsonResponse({'message': 'Invalid Student', 'condition': True}, status=401)
169        if(deg.registrations_open == True):170            return JsonResponse({'message': 'Regisrations are Active', 'condition': True}, status=200)
171        else:
172            return JsonResponse({'message': 'Regisrations are NOT Active', 'condition': False}, status=200)
Comparison to singleton False should be expr is False
236        if user is None:
237            return JsonResponse({'message': "Invalid Id Or Password", 'status': 'failure'}, status=403)
239        if user.is_student == False:240            return JsonResponse({'message': 'User is Not a Student',
241                                 'condtion': False, 'status': 'failure'}, status=401)
Comparison to singleton True should be expr is True
391    semester = Semester.objects.get(semester_code=request.POST['semester'])
392    challan, created = FeeChallan.objects.get_or_create(
393        student=student, semester=semester)
394    if created == True:395        transcript = Transcript.objects.get_or_create(
396            student=student, semester=Semester.objects.get(current_semester=True))[0]
397        challan.coActivity_charges = semester.co_circular_fee
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
484    def post(self, request):
485        section = request.POST['section']
486        code = request.POST['code']
487        if section == None or section == "" or section == "null" or code == None or code == "" or code == "null":488            return JsonResponse({"Failed": "Invalid Input Parameters"}, status=403)
489        else:
490            student = Student.objects.get(user=request.user)
Comparison to singleton None should be expr is None
484    def post(self, request):
485        section = request.POST['section']
486        code = request.POST['code']
487        if section == None or section == "" or section == "null" or code == None or code == "" or code == "null":488            return JsonResponse({"Failed": "Invalid Input Parameters"}, status=403)
489        else:
490            student = Student.objects.get(user=request.user)