junepark678 / GIRRewrite

Block comment should start with # FLK-E265
a year agoa year old
block comment should start with '# '
 78        embed.set_footer(text=member.id)
 79        await channel.send(embed=embed)
 81    #@commands.Cog.listener() 82    @staticmethod
 83    async def on_reaction_add(reaction: discord.Reaction, member: discord.User):
 84        if reaction.message.guild is None:
block comment should start with '# '
 865        if self.voice_state.is_playing:
 866            await self.voice_state.stop()
 867            self.voice_state.stopped = True
 868        #await interaction.message.edit(view=self) 869
 870    @discord.ui.button(label=loc["btn_label"]["loop"], style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, custom_id="3", emoji="🔂", disabled=False)
 871    async def loop(self, button, interaction):
block comment should start with '# '
 853            return await interaction.response.send_message(loc["messages"]["not_in_same_voice"], ephemeral=True)
 854        await interaction.response.defer()
 855        self.voice_state.skip()
 856        #await interaction.message.edit(view=self) 857    
 858    @discord.ui.button(label=loc["btn_label"]["stop"], style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, custom_id="2", emoji="", disabled=False)
 859    async def stop(self, button, interaction):
block comment should start with '# '
 581                            return await self.stop(leave=True)
 582                    else:
 583                        # Looping, get the looped song
 584                        #if "local@" in self.current.source.url: 585                        try:
 586                            domain = self.current.source.url.split("/")[2]
 587                        except:
block comment should start with '# '
 565                        try:
 566                            async with timeout(120):  # 2 minutes
 567                                self.current = await self.songs.get()
 568                                #if "local@" in self.current["url"]: 569                                try:
 570                                    domain = self.current["url"].split("/")[2]
 571                                except: