junepark678 / GIRRewrite

Doc line too long FLK-W505
a year agoa year old
doc line too long (98 > 88 characters)
 304    def create_embed(self, status: str):
 305        # If a new song is being played, it will simply display how long the song is
 306        # But if the command now is being executed, it will show how long the song has been played 307        if self.paused:
 308            self.pause_duration += time.time() - self.pause_time
 309            self.pause_time = time.time()
doc line too long (90 > 88 characters)
 290    # starttime stores when does the song start
 291    # pause_duration stores how long does the song being paused, updates when the song resumes
 292    # pause_time stores when does the song paused, used for calculating the pause_duration 293    def __init__(self, source, isFile=False, isDirectLink=False): 
 294        self.source = source
 295        self.requester = source.requester
doc line too long (94 > 88 characters)
 288    __slots__ = ('source', 'requester', 'starttime', 'pause_time', 'pause_duration', 'paused', 'isFile', 'isDirectLink', 'time_invoke_seek')
 290    # starttime stores when does the song start
 291    # pause_duration stores how long does the song being paused, updates when the song resumes 292    # pause_time stores when does the song paused, used for calculating the pause_duration
 293    def __init__(self, source, isFile=False, isDirectLink=False): 
 294        self.source = source
doc line too long (97 > 88 characters)
 240                    return await self.respond(ctx.ctx, loc["not_found"].format(webpage_url))
 241        # requester for saving the user who plays this song, shown in command now
 242        info["requester"] = requester
 243        # If seeking, ask ffmpeg to start from a specific position, else simply return the object 244        if seek is not None:
 245            seek_option = FFMPEG_OPTIONS.copy()
 246            seek_option['before_options'] += " -ss " + self.parse_duration_raw(seek)
doc line too long (109 > 88 characters)
 208        if data is None:
 209            return await self.respond(ctx.ctx, loc["not_found"].format(search))
 211        # process_info retrieves the first entry of the returned data, but the data could be the entry itself 212        if 'entries' not in data:
 213            process_info = data
 214        else: