junepark678 / GIRRewrite

Consider using f-strings PYL-C0209
a year agoa year old
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
73    @staticmethod
74    def setup_error(k: str):
75        logger.error(
76            '.env file is not correctly set up! Missing key {}'.format(k))77        exit(1)
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
68    @staticmethod
69    def setup_warning(k: str):
70        logger.warn(
71            '.env file does not have key {}. Some features may not function as intended.'.format(k))72
73    @staticmethod
74    def setup_error(k: str):
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
 194        self.stream_url = data.get('url')
 196    def __str__(self):
 197        return '**{0.title}** by **{0.uploader}**'.format(self) 198
 199    @classmethod
 200    async def create_source(self, ctx, search: str, *, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop = None, requester=None, seek=None):