junepark678 / GIRRewrite

Unassigned string statement PYL-W0105
a year agoa year old
String statement has no effect
 1from discord.ext import commands
 3""" 4A custom Cooldown type subclassing built in cooldowns from discord.ext commands.
 5This is a bucket type that allows cooldowns to work based on some text, allowing
 6things like cooldown on individual `Tags`, or message spam detection.
String statement has no effect
193                await self.delete(message)
194                return True
196        """197        NEWLINE FILTER
198        """
199        if len(message.content.splitlines()) > 100:
String statement has no effect
103                await report_raid(member)
104                await self.freeze_server(member.guild)
106        """Detect whether more than 4 users created on the same day107        (after May 1st 2021) join within 45 minutes of each other"""
109        # skip if the user was created within the last 15 minutes
String statement has no effect
 77        if member.bot:
 78            return
 80        """Detect whether more than 10 users join within 8 seconds""" 81        # add user to cooldown
 82        current = datetime.now().timestamp()
 83        join_spam_detection_bucket = self.join_raid_detection_threshold.get_bucket(
String statement has no effect
1884                ctx.voice_state.stopped = False
1885                return await self.respond(ctx.ctx, loc["messages"]["play_single_playlist"].format(args[0], entry['title']), color=0x1eff00)
1886            "Unfinished functions hehe"
1887            """elif args[1] in ("share", "export"):1888                await self.respond(ctx.ctx, f"Playlist Share - {args[0]}", description=base64.b64encode("\n".join(data[args[0]]).encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8"))
1889            elif args[1] == "import":
1890                if len(args) < 2: