kokarare1212 / librespot-python

Protected member accessed from outside the class PYL-W0212
Bug risk
3 years ago3 years old
Access to a protected member __country_code of a client class
1613                elif cmd == Packet.Type.pong_ack:
1614                    continue
1615                elif cmd == Packet.Type.country_code:
1616                    self.__session.__country_code = packet.payload.decode()1617                    self.__session.logger.info(
1618                        "Received country_code: {}".format(
1619                            self.__session.__country_code))
Access to a protected member __country_code of a client class
1616                    self.__session.__country_code = packet.payload.decode()
1617                    self.__session.logger.info(
1618                        "Received country_code: {}".format(
1619                            self.__session.__country_code))1620                elif cmd == Packet.Type.license_version:
1621                    license_version = io.BytesIO(packet.payload)
1622                    license_id = struct.unpack(">h",