kulasinghet / MedEx

Typed property accessed before initialization PHP-E1008
Bug risk
7 occurrences in this check
Class app\models\ReportModel has an uninitialized property $is_employee_noticed. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor
 13    public ?string $subject;
 14    public ?string $message;
 15    public bool $is_resolved;
 16    public bool $is_employee_noticed; 17
 19    public function __construct($params = array()) {
Class app\models\ReportModel has an uninitialized property $is_resolved. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor
 12    public string $user_type;
 13    public ?string $subject;
 14    public ?string $message;
 15    public bool $is_resolved; 16    public bool $is_employee_noticed;
Class app\models\ReportModel has an uninitialized property $message. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor
 11    public string $username;
 12    public string $user_type;
 13    public ?string $subject;
 14    public ?string $message; 15    public bool $is_resolved;
 16    public bool $is_employee_noticed;
Class app\models\ReportModel has an uninitialized property $subject. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor
 10    public string $inquiry_id;
 11    public string $username;
 12    public string $user_type;
 13    public ?string $subject; 14    public ?string $message;
 15    public bool $is_resolved;
 16    public bool $is_employee_noticed;
Class app\models\ReportModel has an uninitialized property $user_type. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor
 10    public string $inquiry_id;
 11    public string $username;
 12    public string $user_type; 13    public ?string $subject;
 14    public ?string $message;
 15    public bool $is_resolved;
Class app\models\ReportModel has an uninitialized property $username. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor
  8class ReportModel extends Model
 10    public string $inquiry_id;
 11    public string $username; 12    public string $user_type;
 13    public ?string $subject;
 14    public ?string $message;
Class app\models\ReportModel has an uninitialized property $inquiry_id. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor
  8class ReportModel extends Model
 10    public string $inquiry_id; 11    public string $username;
 12    public string $user_type;
 13    public ?string $subject;