msaisrinivas / BlinkListApp

Validation of JSX maximum depth JS-0415
a year agoa year old
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 5 levels of nesting
 7function LoginPage() {
 8    const { loginWithRedirect } = useAuth0();
 9  return (
10    <Box position={"absolute"} top={"25%"} width={"100%"}>11      <Box display={"flex"} justifyContent="center">
12      <Box width="60%" >
13        <Box width={"80%"} padding={"5% 10%"}>
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 5 levels of nesting
  7function Footer() {
  8  return (
  9    <Box 10      style={{ 11        height: "370px", 12        width: "95%", 13        padding:'2%', 14        backgroundColor:'#F1F6F4', 15        textAlign:'left' 16      }} 17    > 18      <Box
 19        style={{
 20          height: "272px",
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 5 levels of nesting
185  }
187  return (
188    <StyledEngineProvider>189      <Card sx={{ maxWidth: "284px" }}>
190        <CardMedia
191          component="img"
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 9 levels of nesting
 81    getBookById();
 82  });
 83  return (
 84    <StyledEngineProvider> 85    <Box minHeight={"100vh"}>
 86    <Box width="90%" padding="0% 5%">
 87      <Box paddingTop="25px">