msaisrinivas / BlinkListApp

Avoid .bind() or local functions in JSX properties JS-0417
a year agoa year old
JSX props should not use arrow functions
18        Perfect for curious people who love to learn, busy people who dont have time to read, and even people who arent into reading.
19        </Typography>
20        <Box display={"flex"} justifyContent={"center"} padding={"30px"}>
21        <Buttons name={"Log in"} onClick={() => loginWithRedirect()} classing={'connect'} icon={undefined} end={undefined} />22        </Box>
23        </Box>
24        </Box>
JSX props should not use arrow functions
 49          name=" "
 50          classing="exploreNoH"
 51          end={<KeyboardArrowDownIcon />}
 52          onClick={logoutbackdrop} 53          icon={<Avatars chars={props.chars?.charAt(0)} />}
 54        />
 55      </Box>
JSX props should not use arrow functions
 74    logutAction = (
 75      <Buttons
 76        name={"Log Out"}
 77        onClick={() => logout()} 78        classing={"connect"}
 79        icon={undefined}
 80        end={undefined}
JSX props should not use arrow functions
107            name="Explore"
108            classing="explore"
109            end={<KeyboardArrowDownIcon />}
110            onClick={backdroptry}111            icon={undefined}
112          />
113          <Buttons
JSX props should not use arrow functions
129            backgroundColor: "rgba(157, 163, 166, 0.45)",
130            zIndex: zIndex.drawer + 1,
131          }}
132          onClick={backdroptry}133        >
134          <ExtendedNav></ExtendedNav>
135        </Backdrop>