muhammedfurkan / TelethonUserBot

Indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs FLK-E101
Bug risk
3 years ago3 years old
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
  2G-Muter Plugin for userbot. //Needs MongoDB to work.
  3cmds: .gmute user_id|reply to user messsage	//G-Mutes a User.
  4	  .ungmute user_id|reply to user messsage //Un-Gmutes a User.  5	  .listgmuted //List Currently G-Muted Users.
  6By:- JaskaranSM ( @Zero_cool7870 )
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
 23if MONGO_URI is None:
 24    logging.error("ADD MONGO_URI in Env Vars Plox.") 25try:
 26    clnt = MongoClient(MONGO_URI)
 27    db = clnt["Userbot"]["gmute"]
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
  2G-Muter Plugin for userbot. //Needs MongoDB to work.
  3cmds: .gmute user_id|reply to user messsage	//G-Mutes a User.
  4	  .ungmute user_id|reply to user messsage //Un-Gmutes a User.
  5	  .listgmuted //List Currently G-Muted Users.  6By:- JaskaranSM ( @Zero_cool7870 )
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
113    """if e_response:
114		await event.edit(f"**FAILED** to __transload__: `{e_response}`")
115		return"""
116    if t_response:117        try:
118            t_response = json.dumps(json.loads(
119                t_response), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
111    t_response = stdout.decode().strip()
112    #
113    """if e_response:
114		await event.edit(f"**FAILED** to __transload__: `{e_response}`")115		return"""
116    if t_response:
117        try: