pnijhara / gitsome

Blank line contains whitespace FLK-W293
4 years ago4 years old
blank line contains whitespace
61    pos_start, pos_end = t.lexspan(2)
62    print("Syntax error at %d:%d to %d:%d" % (line_start,pos_start, line_end, pos_end))
63    t[0] = 0
64    65def p_expression_number(t):
66    'expression : NUMBER'
67    t[0] = t[1]
blank line contains whitespace
185            result = sys.stderr.getvalue()
186            self.assert_(check_expected(result,
187                                        "'p_error' defined, but is not a function or method\n"))
188            189    def test_yacc_error4(self):
190        self.assertRaises(ply.yacc.YaccError,run_import,"yacc_error4")
191        result = sys.stderr.getvalue()
blank line contains whitespace
132                                    "Generating LALR tables\n"
134                                    ))
135        136    def test_yacc_badrule(self):
137        self.assertRaises(ply.yacc.YaccError,run_import,"yacc_badrule")
138        result = sys.stderr.getvalue()
blank line contains whitespace
 86            pymodule_out_remove("parsetab.pyc")
 87        except OSError:
 88            pass
 89         90        if sys.hexversion >= 0x3020000:
 91            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ResourceWarning)
 92        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
blank line contains whitespace
 75    code = "import "+module
 76    exec(code)
 77    del sys.modules[module]
 78     79# Tests related to errors and warnings when building parsers
 80class YaccErrorWarningTests(unittest.TestCase):
 81    def setUp(self):