pnijhara / gitsome

Unnecessary comprehension PTC-W0016
4 years ago4 years old
Unnecessary comprehension - any can take a generator
1022    suggestions outlined here:
1024    """
1025    if not force and len(arg) != 0 and not any([c in arg for c in ' \t\n\v"']):1026        return arg
1027    else:
1028        n_backslashes = 0
Unnecessary comprehension - join can take a generator
2343    data = [elems[i * nrows : (i + 1) * nrows] for i in range(ncols)]
2344    colwidths = [max(map(len, d)) + pad for d in data]
2345    colwidths[-1] -= pad
2346    row_t = "".join(["{{row[{i}]: <{{w[{i}]}}}}".format(i=i) for i in range(ncols)])2347    row_t += newline
2348    lines = [
2349        row_t.format(row=row, w=colwidths)
Unnecessary comprehension - any can take a generator
290        before = buffer.document.char_before_cursor
291        after = buffer.document.current_char
293        if any(294            [before == b and after == a for (b, a) in ["()", "[]", "{}", "''", '""']]
295        ):
296            buffer.delete(1)
Unnecessary comprehension - any can take a generator
285        before = buffer.document.char_before_cursor
286        after = buffer.document.current_char
288        if any(289            [before == b and after == a for (b, a) in ["()", "[]", "{}", "''", '""']]
290        ):
291            buffer.delete(1)
Unnecessary comprehension - any can take a generator
 60    while True:
 61        if not os.path.isdir(_curpwd):
 62            return False
 63        if any([ == ".hg" for b in xt.scandir(_curpwd)]): 64            q.put(_curpwd)
 65            break
 66        else: