pnijhara / gitsome

Consider using literal syntax to create the data structure PTC-W0019
4 years ago4 years old
unnecessary dict call - write as literal
 85        cache_valid = path_hash == self._path_checksum
 86        self._path_checksum = path_hash
 87        # did aliases change?
 88        alss = getattr(builtins, "aliases", dict()) 89        al_hash = hash(frozenset(alss))
 90        cache_valid = cache_valid and al_hash == self._alias_checksum
 91        self._alias_checksum = al_hash
unnecessary list call - write as literal
 70    @staticmethod
 71    def remove_dups(p):
 72        ret = list() 73        for e in p:
 74            if e not in ret:
 75                ret.append(e)