prysmaticlabs / prysm

Multiple append can be combined into a single call CRT-P0001
a month ago4 years old
 513	}
 515	kc := make([][]byte, 0)
 516	kc = append(kc, bytesutil.PadTo([]byte("kc"), 48)) 517	kc = append(kc, bytesutil.PadTo([]byte("kc1"), 48))
 518	kc = append(kc, bytesutil.PadTo([]byte("kc2"), 48))
 519	proofs := [][]byte{[]byte("proof"), []byte("proof1"), []byte("proof2")}
can combine chain of 2 appends into one
 65		libp2p.Transport(libp2pquic.NewTransport),
 66		libp2p.Transport(libp2ptcp.NewTCPTransport),
 67	}
 68	options = append(options, libp2p.Security(noise.ID, noise.New)) 69	options = append(options, libp2p.Ping(false))
 70	h, err := libp2p.New(options...)
 71	if err != nil {