prysmaticlabs / prysm

Non-idiomatic comment formatting GO-C4004
4 occurrences in this check
put a space between // and comment text
240	EpochsPerSyncCommitteePeriod: 256,
242	// Updated penalty values.
243	InactivityPenaltyQuotientAltair:         3 * 1 << 24, //50331648244	MinSlashingPenaltyQuotientAltair:        64,
245	ProportionalSlashingMultiplierAltair:    2,
246	MinSlashingPenaltyQuotientBellatrix:     32,
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 69	earliestConsolidationEpoch    primitives.Epoch
 70	//pendingBalanceDeposits        []*ethpb.PendingBalanceDeposit // pending_balance_deposits: List[PendingBalanceDeposit, PENDING_BALANCE_DEPOSITS_LIMIT]  # [New in EIP-7251]
 71	pendingPartialWithdrawals []*ethpb.PartialWithdrawal // pending_partial_withdrawals: List[PartialWithdrawal, PENDING_PARTIAL_WITHDRAWALS_LIMIT]  # [New in EIP-7251]
 72	//pendingConsolidations         []*ethpb.PendingConsolidation  // pending_consolidations: List[PendingConsolidation, PENDING_CONSOLIDATIONS_LIMIT]  # [New in EIP-7251] 73
 74	id                    uint64
 75	lock                  sync.RWMutex
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 67	earliestExitEpoch             primitives.Epoch
 68	consolidationBalanceToConsume uint64
 69	earliestConsolidationEpoch    primitives.Epoch
 70	//pendingBalanceDeposits        []*ethpb.PendingBalanceDeposit // pending_balance_deposits: List[PendingBalanceDeposit, PENDING_BALANCE_DEPOSITS_LIMIT]  # [New in EIP-7251] 71	pendingPartialWithdrawals []*ethpb.PartialWithdrawal // pending_partial_withdrawals: List[PartialWithdrawal, PENDING_PARTIAL_WITHDRAWALS_LIMIT]  # [New in EIP-7251]
 72	//pendingConsolidations         []*ethpb.PendingConsolidation  // pending_consolidations: List[PendingConsolidation, PENDING_CONSOLIDATIONS_LIMIT]  # [New in EIP-7251]
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441		//# Only allow partial withdrawals with compounding withdrawal credentials
442		if helpers.HasCompoundingWithdrawalCredential(validator) && hasSufficientEffectiveBalance && hasExcessBalance {
443			//to_withdraw = min(444			//	state.balances[index] - MIN_ACTIVATION_BALANCE - pending_balance_to_withdraw,
445			//	amount
446			//)