prysmaticlabs / prysm

Function with cyclomatic complexity higher than threshold GO-R1005
15 occurrences in this check
func GenerateFullBlock has a cyclomatic complexity of 21 with "high" risk
  80// GenerateFullBlock generates a fully valid block with the requested parameters.
  81// Use BlockGenConfig to declare the conditions you would like the block generated under.
  82func GenerateFullBlock(  83	bState state.BeaconState,
  84	privs []bls.SecretKey,
  85	conf *BlockGenConfig,
func Proto has a cyclomatic complexity of 23 with "high" risk
 287// Proto converts the beacon block body to a protobuf object.
 288func (b *BeaconBlockBody) Proto() (proto.Message, error) { 289	if b == nil {
 290		return nil, nil
 291	}
func Proto has a cyclomatic complexity of 28 with "very-high" risk
 139// Proto converts the beacon block to a protobuf object.
 140func (b *BeaconBlock) Proto() (proto.Message, error) { 141	if b == nil {
 142		return nil, nil
 143	}
func Proto has a cyclomatic complexity of 28 with "very-high" risk
  15// Proto converts the signed beacon block to a protobuf object.
  16func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) Proto() (proto.Message, error) {  17	if b == nil {
  18		return nil, errNilBlock
  19	}
func BuildSignedBeaconBlockFromExecutionPayload has a cyclomatic complexity of 22 with "high" risk
211// BuildSignedBeaconBlockFromExecutionPayload takes a signed, blinded beacon block and converts into
212// a full, signed beacon block by specifying an execution payload.
213func BuildSignedBeaconBlockFromExecutionPayload(214	blk interfaces.ReadOnlySignedBeaconBlock, payload interface{},
215) (interfaces.SignedBeaconBlock, error) {
216	if err := BeaconBlockIsNil(blk); err != nil {
func BuildSignedBeaconBlock has a cyclomatic complexity of 19 with "high" risk
145// BuildSignedBeaconBlock assembles a block.ReadOnlySignedBeaconBlock interface compatible struct from a
146// given beacon block and the appropriate signature. This method may be used to easily create a
147// signed beacon block.
148func BuildSignedBeaconBlock(blk interfaces.ReadOnlyBeaconBlock, signature []byte) (interfaces.SignedBeaconBlock, error) {149	pb, err := blk.Proto()
150	if err != nil {
151		return nil, err
func NewBeaconBlock has a cyclomatic complexity of 19 with "high" risk
 77// NewBeaconBlock creates a beacon block from a protobuf beacon block.
 78func NewBeaconBlock(i interface{}) (interfaces.ReadOnlyBeaconBlock, error) { 79	switch b := i.(type) {
 80	case nil:
 81		return nil, ErrNilObject
func NewSignedBeaconBlock has a cyclomatic complexity of 20 with "high" risk
 33// NewSignedBeaconBlock creates a signed beacon block from a protobuf signed beacon block.
 34func NewSignedBeaconBlock(i interface{}) (interfaces.SignedBeaconBlock, error) { 35	switch b := i.(type) {
 36	case nil:
 37		return nil, ErrNilObject
func IsEmptyExecutionData has a cyclomatic complexity of 19 with "high" risk
 901// IsEmptyExecutionData checks if an execution data is empty underneath. If a single field has
 902// a non-zero value, this function will return false.
 903func IsEmptyExecutionData(data interfaces.ExecutionData) (bool, error) { 904	if data == nil {
 905		return true, nil
 906	}
func rootSelector has a cyclomatic complexity of 41 with "very-high" risk
1118	return b == nil
1121func (b *BeaconState) rootSelector(ctx context.Context, field types.FieldIndex) ([32]byte, error) {1122	_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "beaconState.rootSelector")
1123	defer span.End()
1124	span.AddAttributes(trace.StringAttribute("field", field.String()))
func Copy has a cyclomatic complexity of 28 with "very-high" risk
 804// Copy returns a deep copy of the beacon state.
 805func (b *BeaconState) Copy() state.BeaconState { 806	b.lock.RLock()
 807	defer b.lock.RUnlock()
func TestGetSpec has a cyclomatic complexity of 150 with "critical" risk
 40	assert.Equal(t, "0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242", response.Data.Address)
 43func TestGetSpec(t *testing.T) { 44	params.SetupTestConfigCleanup(t)
 45	config := params.BeaconConfig().Copy()
func ProcessBlockForStateRoot has a cyclomatic complexity of 16 with "high" risk
282//	process_eth1_data(state, block.body)
283//	process_operations(state, block.body)
284//	process_sync_aggregate(state, block.body.sync_aggregate)
285func ProcessBlockForStateRoot(286	ctx context.Context,
287	state state.BeaconState,
288	signed interfaces.ReadOnlySignedBeaconBlock,
func ProcessExecutionLayerWithdrawalRequest has a cyclomatic complexity of 30 with "very-high" risk
332//	   amount=to_withdraw,
333//	   withdrawable_epoch=withdrawable_epoch,
334//	   ))
335func ProcessExecutionLayerWithdrawalRequest(ctx context.Context,336	beaconState state.BeaconState, beaconBlock interfaces.ReadOnlyBeaconBlock) (state.BeaconState, error) {
337	if beaconState.Version() < version.Electra || beaconBlock.Version() < version.Electra {
338		return beaconState, nil
func ProcessWithdrawals has a cyclomatic complexity of 16 with "high" risk
148//	    next_index = state.next_withdrawal_validator_index + MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_WITHDRAWALS_SWEEP
149//	    next_validator_index = ValidatorIndex(next_index % len(state.validators))
150//	    state.next_withdrawal_validator_index = next_validator_index
151func ProcessWithdrawals(st state.BeaconState, executionData interfaces.ExecutionData) (state.BeaconState, error) {152	expectedWithdrawals, err := st.ExpectedWithdrawals()
153	if err != nil {
154		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get expected withdrawals")