prysmaticlabs / prysm

Using a deprecated function, variable, constant or field GO-W1009
5 occurrences in this check
ethpb.StreamBlocksResponse is deprecated: Marked as deprecated in proto/prysm/v1alpha1/validator.proto.
198		log.WithError(err).Error("Could not verify block signature")
199		return nil
200	}
201	b := &ethpb.StreamBlocksResponse{}202	pb, err := data.SignedBlock.Proto()
203	if err != nil {
204		return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get protobuf block")
ethpb.StreamBlocksResponse is deprecated: Marked as deprecated in proto/prysm/v1alpha1/validator.proto.
102	if !ok || data == nil {
103		return nil
104	}
105	b := &ethpb.StreamBlocksResponse{}106	switch data.SignedBlock.Version() {
107	case version.Phase0:
108		pb, err := data.SignedBlock.Proto()
ethpb.StreamSlotsResponse is deprecated: Marked as deprecated in proto/prysm/v1alpha1/validator.proto.
 81				}
 82				s = data.SignedBlock.Block().Slot()
 83			}
 84			if err := stream.Send(&ethpb.StreamSlotsResponse{Slot: s}); err != nil { 85				return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "Could not send over stream: %v", err)
 86			}
 87		case <-sub.Err():
ethpb.StreamSlotsRequest is deprecated: Marked as deprecated in proto/prysm/v1alpha1/validator.proto.
 50// StreamSlots sends a block's slot to clients every single time a block is received by the beacon node.
 51func (vs *Server) StreamSlots(req *ethpb.StreamSlotsRequest, stream ethpb.BeaconNodeValidator_StreamSlotsServer) error { 52	ch := make(chan *feed.Event, 1)
 53	var sub event.Subscription
 54	if req.VerifiedOnly {
ethpb.StreamBlocksRequest is deprecated: Marked as deprecated in proto/prysm/v1alpha1/validator.proto.
 17// StreamBlocksAltair to clients every single time a block is received by the beacon node.
 18func (vs *Server) StreamBlocksAltair(req *ethpb.StreamBlocksRequest, stream ethpb.BeaconNodeValidator_StreamBlocksAltairServer) error { 19	blocksChannel := make(chan *feed.Event, 1)
 20	var blockSub event.Subscription
 21	if req.VerifiedOnly {