rathena / FluxCP

Invalid static method call detected PHP-E1003
Bug risk
2 occurrences in this check
Class Flux referenced with incorrect case: FLUX
15<div class="button-payment-stripe">
16    <stripe-buy-button
17        buy-button-id="<?php echo FLUX::config('StripeButtonId') ?>"
18        publishable-key="<?php echo FLUX::config('StripePublishableKey') ?>"19        client-reference-id="<?php echo $customDataEscaped ?>"
20    >
21    </stripe-buy-button>
Class Flux referenced with incorrect case: FLUX
15<div class="button-payment-stripe">
16    <stripe-buy-button
17        buy-button-id="<?php echo FLUX::config('StripeButtonId') ?>"18        publishable-key="<?php echo FLUX::config('StripePublishableKey') ?>"
19        client-reference-id="<?php echo $customDataEscaped ?>"
20    >