sisoe24 / nukeserversocket

Doc line too long FLK-W505
3 months ago3 years old
doc line too long (94 > 88 characters)
17class NssServer(QTcpServer):
18    """NukeServerSocket server.
20    This class is responsible for receiving data from the client, and sending the output back.21
22    Signals:
23        on_data_received (): Signal emitted when data is received from the client.
doc line too long (93 > 88 characters)
18    {
19        "text": "Text to run in the script editor",
20        "file": "File name to show in the output (optional))"
21        "formatText": "0" or "1" To format the text or not. Defaults to "1" (True) (optional)22    }
24    """
doc line too long (94 > 88 characters)
17class NssServer(QTcpServer):
18    """NukeServerSocket server.
20    This class is responsible for receiving data from the client, and sending the output back.21
22    Signals:
23        on_data_received (): Signal emitted when data is received from the client.
doc line too long (93 > 88 characters)
18    {
19        "text": "Text to run in the script editor",
20        "file": "File name to show in the output (optional))"
21        "formatText": "0" or "1" To format the text or not. Defaults to "1" (True) (optional)22    }
24    """
doc line too long (94 > 88 characters)
17class NssServer(QTcpServer):
18    """NukeServerSocket server.
20    This class is responsible for receiving data from the client, and sending the output back.21
22    Signals:
23        on_data_received (): Signal emitted when data is received from the client.