superfly / flyctl

Unused parameter in function RVV-B0012
Bug risk
3 occurrences in this check
parameter 'srcInfo' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _
552// determineGuest returns the guest type to use for a new app.
553// Currently, it defaults to shared-cpu-1x
554func determineGuest(ctx context.Context, config *appconfig.Config, srcInfo *scanner.SourceInfo) (*api.MachineGuest, string, error) {555	def := helpers.Clone(api.MachinePresets["shared-cpu-1x"])
556	def.MemoryMB = 1024
557	reason := "most apps need about 1GB of RAM"
parameter 'config' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _
552// determineGuest returns the guest type to use for a new app.
553// Currently, it defaults to shared-cpu-1x
554func determineGuest(ctx context.Context, config *appconfig.Config, srcInfo *scanner.SourceInfo) (*api.MachineGuest, string, error) {555	def := helpers.Clone(api.MachinePresets["shared-cpu-1x"])
556	def.MemoryMB = 1024
557	reason := "most apps need about 1GB of RAM"
parameter 'paidPlan' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _
504//  1. the primary_region field of the config, if one exists
505//  2. the region specified on the command line, if specified
506//  3. the nearest region to the user
507func determineRegion(ctx context.Context, config *appconfig.Config, paidPlan bool) (*api.Region, string, error) {508
509	client := client.FromContext(ctx)
510	regionCode := flag.GetRegion(ctx)